Thursday, September 3, 2009

Aku dan api...bersahabat baikk...

Salam and Hi all!!

Arini aku nk bercerite mase zaman-zaman muda (ecece padahal zaman kecik, huahua) men api...Aku mase kecik2, nakal gila dol...mcm2 bende aku buat, actually boleh dikatakan kreatif la...salah satu nye kreatif tentang api...boleh buat tayangan siri dol kalo cite pasal diri aku dan api...

Episod 1

Pada suatu hari, time2 aku duk lepak sorang2 mase tu arwah nenek aku ade lagi...die tido kt umah aku, saje2 duk tgk cucu kesayangan derang neh...aku ni, jenis takleh nk duduk diam, adeee jeee mende dalam kepala ni nk try nk jadikan cerite, aku kuar rumah, tanpa pikir panjang, disambarnya penyapu sampah...srupp srappp srupp srappp...bukan minum dengan gelojoh ye, aku sapu daun2 kering luar rumah...time tu, pagar umah aku yg dawai besi bersalutkan plastik kaler hijau...kalo ba alif ba ya sondol, mmg sahih lobang baekk punye...tgh2 aku sapu, aku buat satu longgokan daun2 kering neh...kakak dengan abg aku mase tu tgh men permainan "Gelap Ceroh" (ni dalam bahase terengganu la, tatau ape org luar cakap)....tgh syok2 derang men, nenek aku bersuara "Uuuiihh, bagus betol ayeh ni...sapu sampah....ina (along aku) dengan adi (angah aku) wat ape kat luar tu, tau men je keje, tak reti nk tlg adik bersih umah ke...according to kakak aku, die panass je dengar, dalam ati die "Elehh adik, nenek tatau ape agenda sebaliknye tu, nnt kang ade la hal die buat..."...then kakak aku buat derrk je, terus men tanpa menghiraukan sindiran nenek aku neh...aku plak, nek syok abis dengar nenek aku puji...

fuhh, dah abis sapu...longgokkan tinggi daun2 kering...aku bergegas masuk dalam umah nk cari sumthing...bupp bap buup bapp, buishsh, dumm damm...abis bersepah umah semata2 nk cari lighter bapak aku...akhirnya jumpa...cis dalam laci die jek, penat aku sepahkan umah...then, aku lari terus kat longgokkan daun2 kering tadik, kecis kecis, api pon menyala...dah tak ingat dah aku ape nk jadi, terus aku bakar daun2 tu...mula2 kecik...tetibe....buiisshhhhhh, merebak abis braderrrr....terus kene pagar cap ayam tu, abeh itam, merebak merata-rata...nenek aku menggelabah abis, then kakak n abg aku dengar nenek aku jerit "Ya Allah ayehh, abeh laaa pagar tuuu!!!"...apalaga, kakak dengan abg aku lari masuk dalam kawasan umah sambil berbunyi "Nino nino nino (konon2 bunyi siren ambulans), kami sudah tiba ditempat kejadian...umh ummmmhh, rajin nye cucu nenek sorang ni..."...HAHAHAHAHHA, cam haram perli nenek aku....terus derang bukak paip air nk padam api tu...aku plak mase tu, r, mase tu aku ingat tak la merebak sebab aku letak tmpt strategik gila dah...sekali angin tiup, abeda laaa...ahahaha...

Episod 2

Tgh duduk makan aiskrim kat dapur ni...mase tu femes cornetto dengan padepop (ntah btol tak eja ni huhu)...tgh syok2 makan, aku p luar...nmpk ayah aku tgh sap kok atas kerusi dekat kerusi luar rumah tu....then ayah aku masuk, die tinggal rokok die dengan lighter atas meja tu...dengan gaya James Bondnye, aku amik lighter tanpa org len perasan (mmg la, sbb takdak orang kat situ, sume dalam umah tgh melantak eskremmm!!)...terus aku p tepi rumah....kat situ byk surat khabar lame mak aku longgok kat, nk jadikan cerita, aku amik sehelai surat khabar, gulung2 nk jadikan bentuk obor-obor....ujung die aku kasik padat sket konon2 nk kasik tahan lame mase aku bakar nnt...lepas je aku bakar, aku lari-lari buat gaya ala2 orang nk pas kan obor-obor sambil nyanyi "We are the champion, WE ARE THE CHAMPION...naaa naaa na naa naaa (aku buat bunyi je ikut rentak sebab tak ingat lirik dah)"...then dtg idea gile..."Iskh, kalo aku bakar sket lagi ok gak ni, byk lagi surat khabar ni"...then bakar la sket..."WAAAAAHH!!! Besarnye api!!!" aku cakap...pastu die merebak terus kat dinding umah aku, dengan selambernye aku kipas2 nk kasik ilang "Ya Allah Ya Allah, fuhhh fuhhhh, padam la wehhh"...aku siap cakap dengan api beb, jgn men2...tgh aku buat aksi2 mengancam nk padam api, tetibe kakak aku muncul kat blkg "Ya Allahhhhh,ayehhhhhh!!!...ape bende adik buat nii!!"...ahahaha, lagi sekali kakak dgn abg aku tlg padam....mak ayah aku keluar p tgk, bapak aku cool sket, tgk api padam giling kepala je..tapi mak akuu, dol!!...mcm askar nk tembak enemy je...pup pap pup pap, kene rotan...ahahahahaha...padan muke ko alep!!..sape suh gatai sgt nk men apii!!...kuakua...

Tu la serba sedikit pasal aku dan api ni.....kawan baik la sgt, las2 die lupe member...aku plak mangsa kene marah...kah kah kah...nnt smbg episod2 len plak...hihih..

Moral of the story: Api ni kecik2 kawan, besar2 ni jadi lawan, jage2 la...kepada sape2 yg bace ni, kalo korang ade anak start suke men api....jage2 la....derang bleh jadi kreatif mcm aku nnt... =D

to be continued.....

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Masihkah kau ingat

masihkah kau ingat
pada waktu itu
kita bersama-sama
mendayung sampan sarat impian
kiri dan kanan silih ke depan
menuju muara cita
walau dilambung ombak menggila
menguji sekeping hati
dalam jeritan suara bisu
kita merintih

demi esok yang pasti tiba

hari ini harus kita korbankan
menempa sebuah bahagia
menghiasi ruang-ruang akhir hayat ini
mewarnai wajah duka
di persimpangan jalan itu
menggalas bekalan
menghadap yang Esa

masihkah kau ingat
pada waktu itu
selarik senyum berwajah suram
setangkai hati kian kelam
mendakap erat makin erat
dalam deraian air mata
membsahi pipi

pada saat itu
simpulan terungkai
dalam degupan kencang
menghalusi bisikan dalam sendu
erti sebuah persahabatan
mungkin itu suratan
perjalanan sebuah cita dan harapan
kerna haluan kita nyata berbeza
hanya doa pengiring langkah
agar detik itu sentiasa mekar
dalam ingatan
hingga kita bersua nanti…


Sunday, July 12, 2009


Aku kepenatan....

Bukan pegi men futsal, bukan pegi gym, bukan pegi jalan2....baru pas kemas umah...ahahah...amik hengkau, pueh ati eden kemas2 neh....ingat perempuan je ke baguih bab-bab kemas umah....dak laki pon power jugak....ape yang tanak, campak buang je.....ahahahahahahah....

Nway, mase aku kemas2 umah ni; mop lantai, vacuum, gosok baju, basuh baju, 'kiwi' kasut, mengemas tie etc, sempat gak la aku amik gambar collection aku.....saje nak share, buring2.... =D

Sume ni kasut bapak aku punye, sebab kaki same punye pasal, share la...ahah..tapi hak neh, ayah aku kasik...feveret aku LV dgn Moreschi neh...besh pakai... =D

Ni plak "My Tie" is very worth, not expensive and not cheap, juz nice...and the quality also is very good...pueh ati pakai...

Ok la, nk usha fb plak...nite all...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dol lame aku tak menari-tari neh...


Salam and Hi to all!!

Fuh, last week was most enjoying and 'penat'ing week lol...guess wut, i joined performance for Hari Karnival Keluarga PETRONAS (KKP) had been ages i didn't dance!...since i studied in UTP...

Mmg la penat, ade komitmen len beb, family ak dekat KL, aku kene turun kat derang gak after training from 8am to 12midnite!...fuh, mcm nk gila eden...tapi takpa, it was really worth, coz we are the 3rd Best Performance and 2nd Best Costume of KKP Performance 2009!!..syok2...

PETCHEM Performance - KKP 2009


To all PETCHEM Performers, Good Job!...we have created miracle with our performance!...i bet u guyz knew it WHY~ hehehe...

Nway, meh aku sharing2 sket mase time kitorang dekat Kjg Country Heights (KCH) utk training/rehearsal...

During practice......

Location: LBeG 2, Jalan Cinta Tennis, KCH

Belle: Korang neh, dengar la lagu tu btol2, step tu jage....expression expression maneee!~

Choreographer: oi anak-anak wayang, dgr mak korang cakap tu…buat btol2 la~

Anak-Anak wayang hanya mengiakan sahaja..(ahahaha, aku tambah je ni)…

Location: in the Van

Yang ni korang bleh usha blog since die ade cite jugak..klakar dol…

Location: MPH, Permata, Bangi (Rehearsal Opening & Closing)

Situation 1

Beast: Lumiere, ko ade steps yg agak menarik tak utk mase kitorang 3 nk masuk neh…

Lumiere dengan slumbernye mencadangkan step-step yg agak boleh di’apply’kan la....

Lumiere: Cani kot, ke camni…ntah, baik ko tanye salmiah dol, nnt bising plak, kate aku mandai2…

Beast: Hahahahhaha…alaa, step simple watpe die nk bising2…

Lumiere: Oh, aku lupe, ko kan jambu die…hahahaha…

Beast: #!%$%$^#%^$@!

Situation 2

Choreographer aka Salmiah: Oi pelac, korang tu kasik gedikz gitu…kalo tak, tak nampak la ke’pelac’an korang ye…

Lagi die cakap….

(Lepas semayang Jumaat)

Choreographer aka Salmiah: adey, mane si Goston menghilang ni!...takpe2 ,korang isi-isi je tempat tu, nnt pandai2 la die masuk kat mane yee…

Tetibe Paksu mencelah…

Paksu: Na’ahhhh….nnt die marah i~ (hahahha, sori la paksu, ni aku tambah2 je nk kasik gempaq sket)….

Abih rehearsal, kitorang balik…tiba-tibaa…..

Belle: oiiit Goston, mana ko p tadi…

Goston: wey belle, korang p rehearsal, dah ingat bapak nk p rehearsal pakai sarung ja ka…gila ka apa…nnt lompat2, opocot mak ko, putttt jatuh…kang korang plak susah, aku takpe…



Adehh..penat aku nk tulis, sbb tulis sambil gelak…teringat gelagat derang neh…mcm-mcm…ok la….nnt bercerita lagi ye…siap ade gambor lagi, ni aku tunjuk satu je dulu…heheh…


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Just sharing...


Aku boring ni, so aku bukak flicker aku balik, then nmpk la hasil2 penangkapan gambar aku...aih, bila la bleh beli camera ni...comment sket:-

Haaaa..okai kah?..kalo korg nk tgk lagi, tgk kat flickr aku k..tapi dah lame tak mengupload..

Monday, June 1, 2009

Today genap 6 MONTHS aku kerja...

Hi all...

Lame gila tak memblogging ni..Anyway, today genap aku kerja 6 bulan dekat MITCO far so planning is on track..but who knows in future wut could happen isn't it?..but kite ni hamba Allah yang lemah, kite boleh tawakkal dan berusaha shj, yang menentukan Dia sahaja, Maha Mengetahui..

Update update update kerja...before this nk kerja sgt, nah amik...tapi pk2 balik, rindu jugak time2 skolah rendah, menengah, kat U...mcm2 bleh buat, hangout dengan member2 time cuti...talking about cuti, skang tgh cuti skolah, kat kampung my siblings balik, tinggal aku sorang2 kat sini, agak rindu gak neh...takpe, next week aku amik AL on MOnday and Tuesday, leh aku lepak2 kat umah kejap melepas rindu..hehe...nk g mancing, nk g main kucing, nk lepak dengan member2 kat kampung, syok beb...KL ade member gak, tapi kat kampung tenang sket, leh borak2 dengan jiran2, member2, n of course dengan ma familia!.. :D

nway, sorry guyz lame menyepikan diri dek sebalik KLCC yang gah berdiri...nk wat mcmane, keje is keje...keje aku bes jugak la since aku rase diri aku terchallenge buat kerja2 non technical compared to me yang technical background...ahhaaaha...tapi takpe, nothing in this world come easy, we must not give up wut we do as long as it is right kan2?...jahat mcm mane orang tu pon, kalo ade kebaikan die buat, kite kene kenang, contoh la kan: dah la jahat, pukul orang, togak, ngisap (bahase ganu), tapi kat parentz respect, which when we analyze die punye behaviour ni, mmg la mcm tuut, tapi kebaikan die, respect orang tua and responsible...mmm, but yela, kalo bleh kite nk la jadi yang terbaik...itz ok, anything we do, eventhough it is wrong, we have chance to change it...but we can not change drastically, since boleh mengakibatkan nk buat perkara2 lepas balik...kite manusia yang lemah yg mempunyai bykkk kelemahan2 yang ade sbb tu Tuhan kate, setiap penyakit ade penyembuhnya, same goes to us as human being, datz is why God give us brain, TO THINK!...kan2...kite makhluk selengkap2nya...what we do, do not regret it, but take it as lesson learnt...and try not to repeat it again, tapi kalo TERbuat jugak, slow2 kite beringat dan try jauh2kan...but of course people/society/community has different view, but what the hell, if we wanna change, we change!..nothing wrong with dat...sooner or later, people will realize, but yeah, it cost us time...dalam mase kite nk berubah, mcm2 dugaan akan datang plak, orang mengata, ade musibah sana musibah sini, but datz matter to make us strong...insyaAllah...

ak tatau ape aku dah merapu2...till then...nite2..tidoq, krozzz.....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Challenging job i face!

Dear All,

salam and hi to has been a week i replaced Aaron..and the 2nd shipment i handled full of problems..imaging the day that my colleague and team leader went to Kertih to attend meeting, i work all my own...i sent almost 40++ emails!!!...fuh...our traders team suddenly had to change contract due to payment term can not be determined since time constraint...huhuh..i had to discuss with them how to manage this, and of course i have to inform my Manager regarding this matter...atlast the contract payment term was changed...but i have to monitor the changed was exhausting but challenging!...i tested me a lot...i am graduated in civil engineering but do marketing/operation/business work...walaaaaawehh, gilo po...but as long we have passion what we do, it gives very proud of myself...thanks to my team members who are very supportive to me...thx guyz....

anyway, just an info to you guys, if you heard about MITCO PETRONAS, it is one of the marketing arm of PETRONAS which market/trade end product of petroleum (basically petrochemical)...mitco market/trade e.g ammonia, VCM, MTBE, methanol, aromatics, urea i in operation team, basically i handle of planning & documentation. etc..actually it is more than that, but what i can share with you is basic things that i'hv done so far in operation...

ok, till then...bye!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

i am happy...

Salam and Good Day!

well, this is a very happy day for me because it is my gf''s birthday and i brought to a place to have dinner...a place that she always dream of... =)

anyway, happy 24th birthday girl! the way, she received sejambangan bunga (dunno what is jambangan in english, tetibe lupe)...fuyoo, she loves it so much!...yela, dah kate colour merah, she loves red so much...suke la tu...and last night, her housemates were also celebrate her birthday, no wonder she so happy!...when u r happy, im happy too!

i hope you will get more what you are dream of after this...i will pray for your happiness in life!...insyaAllah...

p/s: 2 days more my 4 family members will come back from Mecca to perform Umrah...i hope they all in good health amin...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

PETRONAS Water Technology Conference

Dear All,

i will be participating in PETRONAS Water Technology Conference. Im suprised that Dr Shak (Dr Shamsul) Supervisor of my fyp (final year project) titled Nutrient Removal from Fertilizer Wastewater using Biological Treatment, will be presented in this conference. im so honored to be invited by my sv. Fuhh, who wonder, fyp in univesity selected to be presented in this conference! is so big for me and my girl, since she couldnt attend/participate this because she quite bz at that time.

my colleague, team leader and boss (manager) are very supportive of this matter! quite suprised since i just started my job..thx guys!...

i have to recap all of my fyp project..few, tough job actually coz it is quite sometime i graduated and left my books away (aku ni jenis membace ke?...deym)...wahwahwah, i have to start reading now so im prepared for this conference...siyesly, cuak ade, takut ade, bangga ade, terharu ade, terkejut ade, blank ade; all kind of feelings i felt now...thx to my girl, she so supportive in this matter..thx!

nway, today i did a mistake in my work...deym, quite careless not being a detail disappointed of myself rite now, but it wont make me down forever, i hv to get up and catch up as much as i can...give up is not my behaviour...i will not lose!...moreover, i have to be 200% fast learner since i hv to replace my team member who will resign this Friday...he has high benchmark, it is quite pressured me due to his level...because of his capability and ability, i hv to at least 60% prepared before he last is damn exhausting to learn in short period...but it is a challenge me right?...God give me a very supportive team members, bosses, team leader, and work environment...and not to forget my parents,family and my girl...hopefully i can do it better next time....

ok la, my bed is already calling me... =)

till then, nite2~

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crude Oil Price...

Salam and Hi everyone...

Just all of sudden i think of about crude pretty sure all of us still do not aware about crude oil price around the world...always questioning why our petrol so high since we do explore crude oil ,isnt it?..just a simple answer: WORLD price...we could not avoid this situation since we are not controlling the price...but we could try to boost up this price by our marketing and trader sure they are trying to find alternatives to solve/push-up the price...what i can see people mind always question about crude oil people can check the up-to-date crude oil price here ...

i will try to share what i understand about this guys pls do not simply pointing to petronas fault...i know, i sure think since im petronas staff i will on this company side...the truth is, when i started to join petronas, i question immediately to my seniors...n try to get some other info from must understand, this economy crisis is not as same on year 1997...1997 only involve mostly asian countries were the victims.. but on 2009, the whole world, i repeat the WHOLE WORLD are facing this economy issue...which is also including crude oil price...

i hope this info will make you understand...IF you have any other info, pls add...let us share...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kamus Hidupku....

Dalam kamus hidup aku tiada ayat "putus asa"...Bagi aku, PUTUS ASA utk orang yg tiada alternatif utk menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah...masalah/dugaan sentiasa akan ada, cuma bila dan dimana ia akan datang...kite seharuslah bersedia dengan segala rintangan dan kesusahan bakal melanda...melengkapkan diri kite dengan pelbagai jawapan yg mungkin dapat membantu ,walaupun jauh sekali dapat diselesaikan kerana usaha adalah perkara yg sgt bagus!...aku suke menasihati dan memujuk hati ini utk tidak mudah mengaku kalah,kerana aku yakin setiap masalah pasti ade jalan keluar utknye...

Dalam kamus idup aku juge, "bertolak ansur" seharusnye dijadikan amalan...tapi pada kene tempatnye...kalo kene marah takde kene mengene dengan aku, aku akan mempertahankannye...amalan bertolak ansur mestilah datang sejajar dengan persefahaman...kalo bertolak ansur, takde persefahaman, apa gunenye?...setiap individu terlibat dalam sesuatu masalah melanda, kene la saling bertolak ansur dan faham keadaan masing2...

Semua ini adalah pandangan aku, dan kalian mungkin ada pendapat2 yg bercanggah dengan mari kite berkongsi bersama2...byk lagi aku ingin meluahkan perkara2 yg tidak ada dalam Kamus Hidupku neh, tapi ngantok sudah sampei, katil memanggil2 name aku "Alep Alep Alep"...apakan daya, aku juge seorang insan yg lemah, setiap kejadian Tuhan ada kebaikan dan kelemahan yg ada,sbb tu la Prophet kite suke utk kite saling nasihat menasihati, saling beringat...tak salah utk kite menasihati dan mengingati kepada orang walopon beribu2 kali, sbb kite pon dapat pahala...mungkin tidak skang,tidak esok,tidak luse,yg pasti suatu hari nnt mereka2 akan ingat jua...

Ok la, katil dah memanggil2,esok lak kerja...ayark!...salam n nite all...

p/s: Happy Birthday to Ayah (080109 yg ke-53!) and my bro, Anwar (110109 yg ke-19!), moga kalian dapat apa diimpikan,acik sentiasa doakannye~