Saturday, December 27, 2008


Salam and Hi to all...

Itz quite long time i didnt update my blog...itz bcoz i hv started my job recently...Reporting on 1st December 2008 with induction programme (called PIPE) then on 22nd December 2008 i started my has been 4 working dayz...basically it quite surprised me that the job is beyond of my background! background doing business/marketing things (aaaa??)...but its ok for me coz i luv business too (fortunately la)...heheh...
3 weeks in PIPE
mmmm,3 weeks in PIPE programme, and it was great to have this programme coz i make a lot of new friends that will help me in the future (who knows aite?)...activities that had provided to us is basically to burst-up our confident level...yeah, everyone has their own weakness and strength...

"There are NO things PERFECT in this world, but if we TRY to be PERFECT, it will automatically IMPROVE ourselve in many ways depend on what we want"
-Alif Rosli-

Other than that, instead of improving my communication skills, i luv to hear ppl that have experience which i could apply someday in my work..sape tau kalo2 ade perkara terjadi yg kite tak penah ade pengalaman and by knowing other experience we could manage and solve the problem kan2...that is why i luv to listen and digest those yg berpengalaman (thx ya!)....

Byk lagi la aku hargai dalam PIPE ni, teamwork, friendship, professionalism, niat, values etc...But there is a new word that i will keep in my mind;

"RESILIENCE" - by Zarir

Thx zarir, thx to all those who advice me during the PIPE..really appreciate it...

Dah penat tulis... - to be continued-

Enjoy diz pics!

Jason style!

Bang Jamil ngajar weh...dengar2 dow..

Abg-abg kepenatan ke?~

Haaaa tgk ape tu Abg G (Shuhaizi)!!...ko ni, die ngajar adik tu gune powerpoint (kan2 Nabil...ahaha!!)

Waaaaa abg nmpk garang la dengan tie merah tu!!

Meon, ko wat pe kat blkg tu!...bajetz laaaaaa...nasib baik muat masuk dalam photo ni..ahaha!

wah wah wah....future leaders with CEOs (aku dengan Nabil laa CEO)


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